Make a difference now.

Your tax-deductible donations will assist to create a change for future Indigenous generations.



Let’s close the gap together.

Choose where your

PayPal & Credit Card

donation goes..

Food Program

Assisting First Nation people to lead healthy lives. Targeted distribution of free, delicious and nutritious frozen meals to Indigenous communities facing food insecurity.

Education Program

Development of a culturally engaging education program that equips Indigenous participants with nutritional education & employment pathways.

Operational Fund

Empower our operations to build greater capacity to make a greater impact in Indigenous communities through our food and education programs.

You can now donate with Apple Pay


“People wanna give you a $5 contribution online, but they have a million other things to do. But getting them to just sit still for 45 seconds and go in there and make the donation is the hardest thing in the world.”

- John Sarbanes

Donate now

 Our dream is..

to be a leading provider of culturally engaging training that enables First Nations People to lead healthy and ambitious lives through mentorship, hands-on education in cooking, nutrition & food security.

We also accept donations directly to our Bank Account*

  • First and last name (as per your reference), email address, donation amount and date of donation.


National Australia Bank

Account Name

Indigenous Futures Foundation Ltd


084 283

Account Number

1944 5985 5


First & Last name